Working Papers

REDEMOS Working Paper D3.1, March 2024

Conceptual framework EU democracy funding

Tina Freyburg, Madalina Dobrescu, and Anastasiia Vlasenko

This working paper outlines a conceptual framework to provide a coherent structure for our further data collection and analysis efforts. Drawing on this research, we make two contributions: First, we conceptually acknowledge the varieties of democracy in democracy assistance, and second, we empirically assess which of these varieties of democracy prevail in EU democracy assistance to the eastern neighbourhood countries, over time and across partner countries. 

Keywords: Democracy promotion, democracy assistance, european union, eastern neighbourhood, eastern europe, post-soviet space, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia

REDEMOS Working Paper D4.1, May 2024

Democratic progress, stasis, regression and authoritarianisation in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood

Madalina Dobrescu and Ragnar Weilandt

This working paper provides an in-depth stocktaking of democracy building efforts and failures in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine between 2010 and 2022. The democratic and autocratic trajectories of the six eastern neighbourhood countries examined point to the critical role of the demos in bringing about democratic change, sustaining democratic progress and deterring or reverting democratic regression, in particular when these processes are simultaneously supported by political elites and organised civil societies.

Keywords: Democratization, political transition, eastern europe, south caucasus, political participation, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia