We would like to invite you to our project’s very first webinar “Democracy and Ukrainian Resistance to the Russian invasion: Creative Solutions and New Cleavages” that will take place on October 30th, 2023, 15.30-17.00 CET!
The webinar will explore democratic developments and new cleavages in wartime Ukraine. Our speakers will offer the audience an in-depth insight into creative democratic practices that various Ukrainian actors (citizens, local communities, and civil society) have engaged into to resist Russia’s invasion. The discussion will, however, go beyond the popular and, potentially, one-sided narrative on Ukraine’s democratic resilience, by zooming in on the threats new wartime societal cleavages and institutional arrangements pose to the future of democracy in Ukraine. Based on this, panelists will address the implications of recent developments for Ukraine’s European integration and carve out possible lessons for the European Union.
“What Makes Ukraine Resilient during the Russo-Ukrainian War? Lessons on Collaborative Governance on the Local Level” – Dr. Oleksandra Keudel, Assistant Professor at the Public Policy and Governance Program at Kyiv School of Economics (Kyiv, Ukraine) & Visiting Researcher at Södertörn University, Stockholm (Sweden)
“Civil Society, Sense of Community and New Cleavages in Ukraine” – Dr. Kateryna Zarembo, Visiting Research Fellow at the TU Darmstadt (Germany) & Non-Resident Research Fellow at the Central European University
“Going CRUD: People’s War and Information Warfare as a Civic Counter-Offensive Against the Russian Invasion of Ukraine” – Dr. Ivan Gomza, Academic Director of the Public Policy and Governance Program at Kyiv School of Economics (Kyiv, Ukraine)
“Ukrainian War-Related Activism in Germany: Active Across Contexts” – Kostiantyn Fedorenko, PhD Student at the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS, Berlin, Germany)
Moderator: Dr. Maryna Rabinovych, REDEMOS Work Package Leader and KSE Team Leader & Assistant Professor at the Public Policy and Governance Program at Kyiv School of Economics (Kyiv, Ukraine); Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Agder (Norway).
The webinar will take place on Zoom platform.