Work Packages

Under the leadership of the Project Coordinator (PC) and the Project Management Team (PMT), WP1 aims to: (a) ensure efficient administrative and financial management, (b) academic coordination and oversight, (c) provide organizational support, (d) interface with the Commission, and (e) gender mainstream the project.

Under the leadership of the Project Coordinator (PC) and the Project Management Team (PMT), WP1 aims to: (a) ensure efficient administrative and financial management, (b) academic coordination and oversight, (c) provide organizational support, (d) interface with the Commission, and (e) gender mainstream the project.

WP3 will collect and analyze reliable and comparable data on international, EU and EU Member States’ funding for democracy, human rights, gender equality, the rule of law and good governance in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood since the entering into force of the Lisbon Treaty.

WP4 will provide an in-depth stocktaking and critical analysis of democracy building or failure in the eastern neighbourhood since the Lisbon Treaty entered into force, by exploring the main social, economic, cultural and statehood-related factors which enabled or obstructed democratic development at domestic and regional level.

WP5 aims at identifying domestic political factors and contextual conditions crucial to the understanding of the likelihood of three possible scenarios: future democratic consolidation, continuance of a hybrid regime, or future autocratic consolidation. It examines how the EU can better respond to domestic conditions or adaption costs that are responsible for inhibiting democratic consolidation or for driving autocratic regression?

WP6 will develop a comprehensive base for integrating an in-depth understanding of the goals and actions of other external actors into the design and activities of EU democracy support in the eastern neighbourhood.

WP7 will explore discourses, narratives and perceptions of EU democracy support within EU institutions and across EU eastern neighbourhood countries to identify areas of consonance and dissonance and to refine existing knowledge of the legitimacy, credibility, and potential of EU democracy support.

As the central pillar of REDEMOS, WP8 will synthesize the findings of WP2-WP7 and develop an innovative and resilient policy toolkit for supporting democracy collaboration. This toolkit will allow for a shift from uni- directional EU democracy promotion, focusing mainly on the domestic opportunity structure, to resilient EU democracy collaboration, revolving around inclusiveness, empowered active citizen engagement with a view to breathe life into the domestic opportunity structure and anchor democratic change in a sustained demos.

WP9 aims at generating maximum awareness of project outcomes among policy/expert audiences in the field of EU democracy support and democracy building in the eastern neighbourhood, and among the public throughout the project’s lifetime and beyond. It will generate intense/effective exchanges between expert communities, officials and citizensfrom the EU, EU Member States and eastern neighbourhood countries. It will establish a strong visual identity, tailor research results to specific audiences to increase impact, create synergies with similar projects and key multipliers, and advance collaboration/knowledge among REDEMOS partners.

The objective is to ensure compliance with the ‘ethics requirements’ set out in this work package.